Guitar Stand Almost Finished

Guitar Stand Almost Finished

I’m mostly done with a guitar stand made from reclaimed wood from broken furniture. It’s been tough… a little more ambitious than I planned. But I’m pretty proud of my work so far, even with the imperfections.

To get hardwood, I’ve been buying broken furniture from online estate sale auctions. I bid $10, and sometimes I get a bed or broken table. Usually it’s cosmetic or a broken leg. But I’ve gotten walnut, mahogany, and a variety of random hardwoods that way that I can break down into boards, etc.

Even “inexpensive” hardwoods are rough for me to buy when I’m still learning a lot. It’s hard to sink $200 for an experiment.

So, I’ve almost finished a new guitar stand. It’s made from the boards I broke down from a headboard and some moulding for the crossbeams. I’m a little excited because one of the crossbeams was made from a piece I couldn’t imagine finding a use for. It is a series of spheres across the bar and I think it will support the necks of the guitars well, keeping them from tilting.

The side braces are already assembled with half lap joints. I was a little overconfident in my abilities there and the ease of doing it so they’re a little rough, but definitely sturdy enough. I should have cut some pieces longer to fully cross the boards, but It’s pretty cool as-is.

I have the mortise and tenon joints for the crossbeams ready to glue up. After that it should just be finish. I think I’ll end up just doing shellac because

  1. I’m lazy and only like using rub-on finishes
  2. I do like more traditional finishes: oils, shellac, wax, etc. vs stain, wood dyes, polyurethane, and so forth.

I should have taken more photos, but here is one with a Tele I made on it and my Jaguar behind it.

Stand with Tele